Dog Training Articles

If your dog is just learning recall, these are the things that you want to AVOID! If you are in the North Broward area and looking for help with your dog, contact me and set up an initial consultation.

What could be better than embarking on a vacation? Traveling with your dog! Bringing your best friend along on your adventures is a great way to bond, give your dog a change of scenery, and save money on boarding costs. And you won’t have to worry about your dog or miss them while you’re away. […]

Dog dander is a known allergen that can cause health problems. If you’re in the process of selling your home, make sure it’s as clean as possible and free of dander before putting it on the market. Below are six easy tips to get your home clean. Start With the CarpetsHair and dander can get […]

My process would keep in mind to increase either or both the distance or duration to everything you do (or always increase the challenge). Keep in mind you don’t want your dog to fail. So your distance/duration should always be attainable, but increase in increments (challenge) your dog can handle. Like many training activities start […]

To get the dog to change or learn a behavior, we have to be sure they 1) Understand what we want, 2) Want to obey and listen to us. Remember, dogs communicate primarily non-verbally. So if you want to communicate with your dog…. consider they MAY pay more attention to what you DO than what […]

It is 9:28pm July 4th in Broward County and all the surrounding cities Fireworks are going off. I know some dogs have a terrible time with Fireworks but in South Florida our dogs are exposed to many Fireworks throughout the year and very loud Summer thunder storms so they don’t get as scared as dogs […]

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